1 /**
2  * HibernateD - Object-Relation Mapping for D programming language, with interface similar to Hibernate. 
3  * 
4  * Hibernate documentation can be found here:
5  * $(LINK http://hibernate.org/docs)$(BR)
6  * 
7  * Source file hibernated/core.d.
8  *
9  * This module contains HQL query parser and HQL to SQL transform implementation.
10  * 
11  * Copyright: Copyright 2013
12  * License:   $(LINK www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
13  * Author:   Vadim Lopatin
14  */
15 module hibernated.query;
17 import std.ascii;
18 import std.algorithm;
19 import std.exception;
20 import std.array;
21 import std.string;
22 import std.conv;
23 import std.stdio;
24 import std.variant;
26 import ddbc.core;
28 import hibernated.annotations;
29 import hibernated.metadata;
30 import hibernated.type;
31 import hibernated.core;
32 import hibernated.dialect;
33 import hibernated.dialects.mysqldialect;
35 enum JoinType {
36     InnerJoin,
37     LeftJoin,
38 }
40 class FromClauseItem {
41 	string entityName;
42     const EntityInfo entity;
43 	string entityAlias;
44 	string sqlAlias;
45     int startColumn;
46     int selectedColumns;
47     // for JOINs
48     JoinType joinType = JoinType.InnerJoin;
49     bool fetch;
50     FromClauseItem base;
51     const PropertyInfo baseProperty;
52     string pathString;
53     int index;
54     int selectIndex;
56     string getFullPath() {
57         if (base is null)
58             return entityAlias;
59         return base.getFullPath() ~ "." ~ baseProperty.propertyName;
60     }
62     this(const EntityInfo entity, string entityAlias, JoinType joinType, bool fetch, FromClauseItem base = null, const PropertyInfo baseProperty = null) {
63         this.entityName = entity.name;
64         this.entity = entity;
65         this.joinType = joinType;
66         this.fetch = fetch;
67         this.base = base;
68         this.baseProperty = baseProperty;
69         this.selectIndex = -1;
70     }
72 }
74 class FromClause {
75     FromClauseItem[] items;
76     FromClauseItem add(const EntityInfo entity, string entityAlias, JoinType joinType, bool fetch, FromClauseItem base = null, const PropertyInfo baseProperty = null) {
77         FromClauseItem item = new FromClauseItem(entity, entityAlias, joinType, fetch, base, baseProperty);
78         item.entityAlias = entityAlias is null ? "_a" ~ to!string(items.length + 1) : entityAlias;
79         item.sqlAlias = "_t" ~ to!string(items.length + 1);
80         item.index = cast(int)items.length;
81         item.pathString = item.getFullPath();
82         items ~= item;
83         return item;
84     }
85     @property size_t length() { return items.length; }
86     string getSQL() {
87         return "";
88     }
89     @property FromClauseItem first() {
90         return items[0];
91     }
92     FromClauseItem opIndex(int index) {
93         enforceEx!HibernatedException(index >= 0 && index < items.length, "FromClause index out of range: " ~ to!string(index));
94         return items[index];
95     }
96     FromClauseItem opIndex(string aliasName) {
97         return findByAlias(aliasName);
98     }
99     bool hasAlias(string aliasName) {
100         foreach(ref m; items) {
101             if (m.entityAlias == aliasName)
102                 return true;
103         }
104         return false;
105     }
106     FromClauseItem findByAlias(string aliasName) {
107         foreach(ref m; items) {
108             if (m.entityAlias == aliasName)
109                 return m;
110         }
111         throw new QuerySyntaxException("Cannot find FROM alias by name " ~ aliasName);
112     }
113     FromClauseItem findByPath(string path) {
114         foreach(ref m; items) {
115             if (m.pathString == path)
116                 return m;
117         }
118         return null;
119     }
120 }
122 struct OrderByClauseItem {
123 	FromClauseItem from;
124 	PropertyInfo prop;
125 	bool asc;
126 }
128 struct SelectClauseItem {
129 	FromClauseItem from;
130 	PropertyInfo prop;
131 }
133 class QueryParser {
134 	string query;
135 	EntityMetaData metadata;
136 	Token[] tokens;
137     FromClause fromClause;
138 	//FromClauseItem[] fromClause;
139 	string[] parameterNames;
140 	OrderByClauseItem[] orderByClause;
141 	SelectClauseItem[] selectClause;
142 	Token whereClause; // AST for WHERE expression
145 	this(EntityMetaData metadata, string query) {
146 		this.metadata = metadata;
147 		this.query = query;
148         fromClause = new FromClause();
149 		//writeln("tokenizing query: " ~ query);
150 		tokens = tokenize(query);
151         //writeln("parsing query: " ~ query);
152         parse();
153         //writeln("parsing done");
154     }
156 	void parse() {
157 		processParameterNames(0, cast(int)tokens.length); // replace pairs {: Ident} with single Parameter token
158 		int len = cast(int)tokens.length;
159 		//writeln("Query tokens: " ~ to!string(len));
160 		int fromPos = findKeyword(KeywordType.FROM);
161 		int selectPos = findKeyword(KeywordType.SELECT);
162 		int wherePos = findKeyword(KeywordType.WHERE);
163 		int orderPos = findKeyword(KeywordType.ORDER);
164 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(fromPos >= 0, "No FROM clause in query " ~ query);
165 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(selectPos <= 0, "SELECT clause should be first - invalid query " ~ query);
166 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(wherePos == -1 || wherePos > fromPos, "Invalid WHERE position in query " ~ query);
167 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(orderPos == -1 || (orderPos < tokens.length - 2 && tokens[orderPos + 1].keyword == KeywordType.BY), "Invalid ORDER BY in query " ~ query);
168 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(orderPos == -1 || orderPos > fromPos, "Invalid ORDER BY position in query " ~ query);
169 		int fromEnd = len;
170 		if (orderPos >= 0)
171 			fromEnd = orderPos;
172 		if (wherePos >= 0)
173 			fromEnd = wherePos;
174 		int whereEnd = wherePos < 0 ? -1 : (orderPos >= 0 ? orderPos : len);
175 		int orderEnd = orderPos < 0 ? -1 : len;
176 		parseFromClause(fromPos + 1, fromEnd);
177 		if (selectPos == 0 && selectPos < fromPos - 1)
178 			parseSelectClause(selectPos + 1, fromPos);
179 		else
180 			defaultSelectClause();
181 		bool selectedEntities = validateSelectClause();
182 		if (wherePos >= 0 && whereEnd > wherePos)
183 			parseWhereClause(wherePos + 1, whereEnd);
184 		if (orderPos >= 0 && orderEnd > orderPos)
185 			parseOrderClause(orderPos + 2, orderEnd);
186         if (selectedEntities) {
187             processAutoFetchReferences();
188             prepareSelectFields();
189         }
190 	}
192     private void prepareSelectFields() {
193         int startColumn = 1;
194         for (int i=0; i < fromClause.length; i++) {
195             FromClauseItem item = fromClause[i];
196             if (!item.fetch)
197                 continue;
198             int count = item.entity.metadata.getFieldCount(item.entity, false);
199             if (count > 0) {
200                 item.startColumn = startColumn;
201                 item.selectedColumns = count;
202                 startColumn += count;
203             }
204         }
205     }
207     private void processAutoFetchReferences() {
208         FromClauseItem a = selectClause[0].from;
209         a.fetch = true;
210         processAutoFetchReferences(a);
211     }
213     private FromClauseItem ensureItemFetched(FromClauseItem a, const PropertyInfo p) {
214         FromClauseItem res;
215         string path = a.pathString ~ "." ~ p.propertyName;
216         //writeln("ensureItemFetched " ~ path);
217         res = fromClause.findByPath(path);
218         if (res is null) {
219             // autoadd join
220             assert(p.referencedEntity !is null);
221             res = fromClause.add(p.referencedEntity, null, p.nullable ? JoinType.LeftJoin : JoinType.InnerJoin, true, a, p);
222         } else {
223             // force fetch
224             res.fetch = true;
225         }
226         bool selectFound = false;
227         foreach(s; selectClause) {
228             if (s.from == res) {
229                 selectFound = true;
230                 break;
231             }
232         }
233         if (!selectFound) {
234             SelectClauseItem item;
235             item.from = res;
236             item.prop = null;
237             selectClause ~= item;
238         }
239         return res;
240     }
242     private bool isBackReferenceProperty(FromClauseItem a, const PropertyInfo p) {
243         if (a.base is null)
244             return false;
245         auto baseEntity = a.base.entity;
246         assert(baseEntity !is null);
247         if (p.referencedEntity != baseEntity)
248             return false;
250         if (p.referencedProperty !is null && p.referencedProperty == a.baseProperty)
251             return true;
252         if (a.baseProperty.referencedProperty !is null && p == a.baseProperty.referencedProperty)
253             return true;
254         return false;
255     }
257     private void processAutoFetchReferences(FromClauseItem a) {
258         foreach (p; a.entity.properties) {
259             if (p.lazyLoad)
260                 continue;
261             if (p.oneToOne && !isBackReferenceProperty(a, p)) {
262                 FromClauseItem res = ensureItemFetched(a, p);
263                 processAutoFetchReferences(res);
264             }
265         }
266     }
268     private void updateEntity(const EntityInfo entity, string name) {
269 		foreach(t; tokens) {
270 			if (t.type == TokenType.Ident && t.text == name) {
271                 t.entity = cast(EntityInfo)entity;
272 				t.type = TokenType.Entity;
273 			}
274 		}
275 	}
277 	private void updateAlias(const EntityInfo entity, string name) {
278 		foreach(t; tokens) {
279 			if (t.type == TokenType.Ident && t.text == name) {
280                 t.entity = cast(EntityInfo)entity;
281 				t.type = TokenType.Alias;
282 			}
283 		}
284 	}
286 	private void splitCommaDelimitedList(int start, int end, void delegate(int, int) callback) {
287 		//writeln("SPLIT " ~ to!string(start) ~ " .. " ~ to!string(end));
288 		int len = cast(int)tokens.length;
289 		int p = start;
290 		for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
291 			if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.Comma || i == end - 1) {
292 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[i].type != TokenType.Comma || i != end - 1, "Invalid comma at end of list" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
293 				int endp = i < end - 1 ? i : end;
294 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(endp > p, "Invalid comma delimited list" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
295 				callback(p, endp);
296 				p = i + 1;
297 			}
298 		}
299 	}
301     private int parseFieldRef(int start, int end, ref string[] path) {
302         int pos = start;
303         while (pos < end) {
304             if (tokens[pos].type == TokenType.Ident || tokens[pos].type == TokenType.Alias) {
305                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(path.length == 0 || tokens[pos].type != TokenType.Alias, "Alias is allowed only as first item" ~ errorContext(tokens[pos]));
306                 path ~= tokens[pos].text;
307                 pos++;
308                 if (pos == end || tokens[pos].type != TokenType.Dot)
309                     return pos;
310                 if (pos == end - 1 || tokens[pos + 1].type != TokenType.Ident)
311                     return pos;
312                 pos++;
313             } else {
314                 break;
315             }
316         }
317         enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[pos].type != TokenType.Dot, "Unexpected dot at end in field list" ~ errorContext(tokens[pos]));
318         enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(path.length > 0, "Empty field list" ~ errorContext(tokens[pos]));
319         return pos;
320     }
322     private void parseFirstFromClause(int start, int end, out int pos) {
323         enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(start < end, "Invalid FROM clause " ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
324         // minimal support:
325         //    Entity
326         //    Entity alias
327         //    Entity AS alias
328         enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[start].type == TokenType.Ident, "Entity name identifier expected in FROM clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
329         string entityName = cast(string)tokens[start].text;
330         auto ei = metadata.findEntity(entityName);
331         updateEntity(ei, entityName);
332         string aliasName = null;
333         int p = start + 1;
334         if (p < end && tokens[p].type == TokenType.Keyword && tokens[p].keyword == KeywordType.AS)
335             p++;
336         if (p < end) {
337             enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[p].type == TokenType.Ident, "Alias name identifier expected in FROM clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[p]));
338             aliasName = cast(string)tokens[p].text;
339             p++;
340         }
341         if (aliasName != null)
342             updateAlias(ei, aliasName);
343         fromClause.add(ei, aliasName, JoinType.InnerJoin, false);
344         pos = p;
345     }
347     void appendFromClause(Token context, string[] path, string aliasName, JoinType joinType, bool fetch) {
348         int p = 0;
349         enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(fromClause.hasAlias(path[p]), "Unknown alias " ~ path[p] ~ " in FROM clause" ~ errorContext(context));
350         FromClauseItem baseClause = findFromClauseByAlias(path[p]);
351         //string pathString = path[p];
352         p++;
353         while(true) {
354             auto baseEntity = baseClause.entity;
355             enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p < path.length, "Property name expected in FROM clause" ~ errorContext(context));
356             string propertyName = path[p++];
357             auto property = baseEntity[propertyName];
358             auto referencedEntity = property.referencedEntity;
359             assert(referencedEntity !is null);
360             enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(!property.simple, "Simple property " ~ propertyName ~ " cannot be used in JOIN" ~ errorContext(context));
361             enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(!property.embedded, "Embedded property " ~ propertyName ~ " cannot be used in JOIN" ~ errorContext(context));
362             bool last = (p == path.length);
363             FromClauseItem item = fromClause.add(referencedEntity, last ? aliasName : null, joinType, fetch, baseClause, property);
364             if (last && aliasName !is null)
365                 updateAlias(referencedEntity, item.entityAlias);
366             baseClause = item;
367             if (last)
368                 break;
369         }
370     }
372     void parseFromClause(int start, int end) {
373         int p = start;
374         parseFirstFromClause(start, end, p);
375         while (p < end) {
376             Token context = tokens[p];
377             JoinType joinType = JoinType.InnerJoin;
378             if (tokens[p].keyword == KeywordType.LEFT) {
379                 joinType = JoinType.LeftJoin;
380                 p++;
381             } else if (tokens[p].keyword == KeywordType.INNER) {
382                 p++;
383             }
384             enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p < end && tokens[p].keyword == KeywordType.JOIN, "Invalid FROM clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[p]));
385             p++;
386             enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p < end, "Invalid FROM clause - incomplete JOIN" ~ errorContext(tokens[p]));
387             bool fetch = false;
388             if (tokens[p].keyword == KeywordType.FETCH) {
389                 fetch = true;
390                 p++;
391                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p < end, "Invalid FROM clause - incomplete JOIN" ~ errorContext(tokens[p]));
392             }
393             string[] path;
394             p = parseFieldRef(p, end, path);
395             string aliasName;
396             bool hasAS = false;
397             if (p < end && tokens[p].keyword == KeywordType.AS) {
398                 p++;
399                 hasAS = true;
400             }
401             enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p < end && tokens[p].type == TokenType.Ident, "Invalid FROM clause - no alias in JOIN" ~ errorContext(tokens[p]));
402             aliasName = tokens[p].text;
403             p++;
404             appendFromClause(context, path, aliasName, joinType, fetch);
405         }
406 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p == end, "Invalid FROM clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[p]));
407 	}
409 	// in pairs {: Ident} replace type of ident with Parameter 
410 	void processParameterNames(int start, int end) {
411 		for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
412 			if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.Parameter) {
413 				parameterNames ~= cast(string)tokens[i].text;
414 			}
415 		}
416 	}
418 	FromClauseItem findFromClauseByAlias(string aliasName) {
419         return fromClause.findByAlias(aliasName);
420 	}
422 	void addSelectClauseItem(string aliasName, string[] propertyNames) {
423 		//writeln("addSelectClauseItem alias=" ~ aliasName ~ " properties=" ~ to!string(propertyNames));
424 		FromClauseItem from = aliasName == null ? fromClause.first : findFromClauseByAlias(aliasName);
425 		SelectClauseItem item;
426 		item.from = from;
427 		item.prop = null;
428 		EntityInfo ei = cast(EntityInfo)from.entity;
429 		if (propertyNames.length > 0) {
430 			item.prop = cast(PropertyInfo)ei.findProperty(propertyNames[0]);
431 			propertyNames.popFront();
432 			while (item.prop.embedded) {
433 				//writeln("Embedded property " ~ item.prop.propertyName ~ " of type " ~ item.prop.referencedEntityName);
434                 ei = cast(EntityInfo)item.prop.referencedEntity;
435 			    enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(propertyNames.length > 0, "@Embedded field property name should be specified when selecting " ~ aliasName ~ "." ~ item.prop.propertyName);
436                 item.prop = cast(PropertyInfo)ei.findProperty(propertyNames[0]);
437 				propertyNames.popFront();
438 			}
439 		}
440 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(propertyNames.length == 0, "Extra field names in SELECT clause in query " ~ query);
441 		selectClause ~= item;
442 		//insertInPlace(selectClause, 0, item);
443 	}
445 	void addOrderByClauseItem(string aliasName, string propertyName, bool asc) {
446 		FromClauseItem from = aliasName == null ? fromClause.first : findFromClauseByAlias(aliasName);
447 		OrderByClauseItem item;
448 		item.from = from;
449         item.prop = cast(PropertyInfo)from.entity.findProperty(propertyName);
450 		item.asc = asc;
451 		orderByClause ~= item;
452 		//insertInPlace(orderByClause, 0, item);
453 	}
455 	void parseOrderByClauseItem(int start, int end) {
456 		// for each comma delimited item
457 		// in current version it can only be
458 		// {property}  or  {alias . property} optionally followed by ASC or DESC
459 		//writeln("ORDER BY ITEM: " ~ to!string(start) ~ " .. " ~ to!string(end));
460 		bool asc = true;
461 		if (tokens[end - 1].type == TokenType.Keyword && tokens[end - 1].keyword == KeywordType.ASC) {
462 			end--;
463 		} else if (tokens[end - 1].type == TokenType.Keyword && tokens[end - 1].keyword == KeywordType.DESC) {
464 			asc = false;
465 			end--;
466 		}
467 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(start < end, "Empty ORDER BY clause item" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
468 		if (start == end - 1) {
469 			// no alias
470 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[start].type == TokenType.Ident, "Property name expected in ORDER BY clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
471 			addOrderByClauseItem(null, cast(string)tokens[start].text, asc);
472 		} else if (start == end - 3) {
473 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[start].type == TokenType.Alias, "Entity alias expected in ORDER BY clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
474 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[start + 1].type == TokenType.Dot, "Dot expected after entity alias in ORDER BY clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
475 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[start + 2].type == TokenType.Ident, "Property name expected after entity alias in ORDER BY clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
476 			addOrderByClauseItem(cast(string)tokens[start].text, cast(string)tokens[start + 2].text, asc);
477 		} else {
478 			//writeln("range: " ~ to!string(start) ~ " .. " ~ to!string(end));
479 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(false, "Invalid ORDER BY clause (expected {property [ASC | DESC]} or {alias.property [ASC | DESC]} )" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
480 		}
481 	}
483 	void parseSelectClauseItem(int start, int end) {
484 		// for each comma delimited item
485 		// in current version it can only be
486 		// {property}  or  {alias . property}
487 		//writeln("SELECT ITEM: " ~ to!string(start) ~ " .. " ~ to!string(end));
488 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(tokens[start].type == TokenType.Ident || tokens[start].type == TokenType.Alias, "Property name or alias expected in SELECT clause in query " ~ query ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
489 		string aliasName;
490 		int p = start;
491 		if (tokens[p].type == TokenType.Alias) {
492             //writeln("select clause alias: " ~ tokens[p].text ~ " query: " ~ query);
493 			aliasName = cast(string)tokens[p].text;
494 			p++;
495 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p == end || tokens[p].type == TokenType.Dot, "SELECT clause item is invalid (only  [alias.]field{[.field2]}+ allowed) " ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
496 			if (p < end - 1 && tokens[p].type == TokenType.Dot)
497 				p++;
498 		} else {
499             //writeln("select clause non-alias: " ~ tokens[p].text ~ " query: " ~ query);
500         }
501 		string[] fieldNames;
502 		while (p < end && tokens[p].type == TokenType.Ident) {
503 			fieldNames ~= tokens[p].text;
504 			p++;
505 			if (p > end - 1 || tokens[p].type != TokenType.Dot)
506 				break;
507 			// skipping dot
508 			p++;
509 		}
510 		//writeln("parseSelectClauseItem pos=" ~ to!string(p) ~ " end=" ~ to!string(end));
511 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(p >= end, "SELECT clause item is invalid (only  [alias.]field{[.field2]}+ allowed) " ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
512 		addSelectClauseItem(aliasName, fieldNames);
513 	}
515 	void parseSelectClause(int start, int end) {
516 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(start < end, "Invalid SELECT clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
517 		splitCommaDelimitedList(start, end, &parseSelectClauseItem);
518 	}
520 	void defaultSelectClause() {
521 		addSelectClauseItem(fromClause.first.entityAlias, null);
522 	}
524 	bool validateSelectClause() {
525 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(selectClause != null && selectClause.length > 0, "Invalid SELECT clause");
526 		int aliasCount = 0;
527 		int fieldCount = 0;
528 		foreach(a; selectClause) {
529 			if (a.prop !is null)
530 				fieldCount++;
531 			else
532 				aliasCount++;
533 		}
534 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException((aliasCount == 1 && fieldCount == 0) || (aliasCount == 0 && fieldCount > 0), "You should either use single entity alias or one or more properties in SELECT clause. Don't mix objects with primitive fields");
535         return aliasCount > 0;
536 	}
538 	void parseWhereClause(int start, int end) {
539 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(start < end, "Invalid WHERE clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
540 		whereClause = new Token(tokens[start].pos, TokenType.Expression, tokens, start, end);
541 		//writeln("before convert fields:\n" ~ whereClause.dump(0));
542 		convertFields(whereClause.children);
543 		//writeln("after convertFields before convertIsNullIsNotNull:\n" ~ whereClause.dump(0));
544 		convertIsNullIsNotNull(whereClause.children);
545 		//writeln("after convertIsNullIsNotNull\n" ~ whereClause.dump(0));
546 		convertUnaryPlusMinus(whereClause.children);
547 		//writeln("after convertUnaryPlusMinus\n" ~ whereClause.dump(0));
548 		foldBraces(whereClause.children);
549 		//writeln("after foldBraces\n" ~ whereClause.dump(0));
550 		foldOperators(whereClause.children);
551 		//writeln("after foldOperators\n" ~ whereClause.dump(0));
552 		dropBraces(whereClause.children);
553 		//writeln("after dropBraces\n" ~ whereClause.dump(0));
554 	}
556 	void foldBraces(ref Token[] items) {
557 		while (true) {
558 			if (items.length == 0)
559 				return;
560 			int lastOpen = -1;
561 			int firstClose = -1;
562 			for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
563 				if (items[i].type == TokenType.OpenBracket) {
564 					lastOpen = i;
565 				} if (items[i].type == TokenType.CloseBracket) {
566 					firstClose = i;
567 					break;
568 				}
569 			}
570 			if (lastOpen == -1 && firstClose == -1)
571 				return;
572 			//writeln("folding braces " ~ to!string(lastOpen) ~ " .. " ~ to!string(firstClose));
573 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(lastOpen >= 0 && lastOpen < firstClose, "Unpaired braces in WHERE clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[lastOpen]));
574 			Token folded = new Token(items[lastOpen].pos, TokenType.Braces, items, lastOpen + 1, firstClose);
575 			//			size_t oldlen = items.length;
576 			//			int removed = firstClose - lastOpen;
577 			replaceInPlace(items, lastOpen, firstClose + 1, [folded]);
578 			//			assert(items.length == oldlen - removed);
579 			foldBraces(folded.children);
580 		}
581 	}
583 	static void dropBraces(ref Token[] items) {
584 		foreach (t; items) {
585 			if (t.children.length > 0)
586 				dropBraces(t.children);
587 		}
588 		for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
589 			if (items[i].type != TokenType.Braces)
590 				continue;
591 			if (items[i].children.length == 1) {
592 				Token t = items[i].children[0];
593 				replaceInPlace(items, i, i + 1, [t]);
594 			}
595 		}
596 	}
598 	void convertIsNullIsNotNull(ref Token[] items) {
599 		for (int i = cast(int)items.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
600 			if (items[i].type != TokenType.Operator || items[i + 1].type != TokenType.Keyword)
601 				continue;
602 			if (items[i].operator == OperatorType.IS && items[i + 1].keyword == KeywordType.NULL) {
603 				Token folded = new Token(items[i].pos,OperatorType.IS_NULL, "IS NULL");
604 				replaceInPlace(items, i, i + 2, [folded]);
605 				i-=2;
606 			}
607 		}
608 		for (int i = cast(int)items.length - 3; i >= 0; i--) {
609 			if (items[i].type != TokenType.Operator || items[i + 1].type != TokenType.Operator || items[i + 2].type != TokenType.Keyword)
610 				continue;
611 			if (items[i].operator == OperatorType.IS && items[i + 1].operator == OperatorType.NOT && items[i + 2].keyword == KeywordType.NULL) {
612 				Token folded = new Token(items[i].pos, OperatorType.IS_NOT_NULL, "IS NOT NULL");
613 				replaceInPlace(items, i, i + 3, [folded]);
614 				i-=3;
615 			}
616 		}
617 	}
619 	void convertFields(ref Token[] items) {
620 		while(true) {
621 			int p = -1;
622 			for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
623 				if (items[i].type != TokenType.Ident && items[i].type != TokenType.Alias)
624 					continue;
625 				p = i;
626 				break;
627 			}
628 			if (p == -1)
629 				return;
630 			// found identifier at position p
631 			string[] idents;
632 			int lastp = p;
633 			idents ~= items[p].text;
634 			for (int i=p + 1; i < items.length - 1; i+=2) {
635 				if (items[i].type != TokenType.Dot)
636 					break;
637 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i < items.length - 1 && items[i + 1].type == TokenType.Ident, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no property name after . " ~ errorContext(items[p]));
638 				lastp = i + 1;
639 				idents ~= items[i + 1].text;
640 			}
641 			string fullName;
642 			FromClauseItem a;
643 			if (items[p].type == TokenType.Alias) {
644 				a = findFromClauseByAlias(idents[0]);
645 				idents.popFront();
646 			} else {
647 				// use first FROM clause if alias is not specified
648 				a = fromClause.first;
649 			}
650 			string aliasName = a.entityAlias;
651             EntityInfo ei = cast(EntityInfo)a.entity;
652 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(idents.length > 0, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - alias w/o property name: " ~ aliasName ~ errorContext(items[p]));
653             PropertyInfo pi;
654             fullName = aliasName;
655             while(true) {
656     			string propertyName = idents[0];
657     			idents.popFront();
658     			fullName ~= "." ~ propertyName;
659                 pi = cast(PropertyInfo)ei.findProperty(propertyName);
660     			while (pi.embedded) { // loop to allow nested @Embedded
661     				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(idents.length > 0, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - @Embedded property reference should include reference to @Embeddable property " ~ aliasName ~ errorContext(items[p]));
662     				propertyName = idents[0];
663     				idents.popFront();
664                     pi = cast(PropertyInfo)pi.referencedEntity.findProperty(propertyName);
665     				fullName = fullName ~ "." ~ propertyName;
666     			}
667                 if (idents.length == 0)
668                     break;
669                 if (idents.length > 0) {
670                     // more field names
671                     string pname = idents[0];
672                     enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(pi.referencedEntity !is null, "Unexpected extra field name " ~ pname ~ " - property " ~ propertyName ~ " doesn't content subproperties " ~ errorContext(items[p]));
673                     ei = cast(EntityInfo)pi.referencedEntity;
674                     FromClauseItem newClause = fromClause.findByPath(fullName);
675                     if (newClause is null) {
676                         // autogenerate FROM clause
677                         newClause = fromClause.add(ei, null, pi.nullable ? JoinType.LeftJoin : JoinType.InnerJoin, false, a, pi);
678                     }
679                     a = newClause;
680                 }
681             }
682 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(idents.length == 0, "Unexpected extra field name " ~ idents[0] ~ errorContext(items[p]));
683 			//writeln("full name = " ~ fullName);
684 			Token t = new Token(items[p].pos, TokenType.Field, fullName);
685             t.entity = cast(EntityInfo)ei;
686             t.field = cast(PropertyInfo)pi;
687 			t.from = a;
688 			replaceInPlace(items, p, lastp + 1, [t]);
689 		}
690 	}
692 	static void convertUnaryPlusMinus(ref Token[] items) {
693 		foreach (t; items) {
694 			if (t.children.length > 0)
695 				convertUnaryPlusMinus(t.children);
696 		}
697 		for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
698 			if (items[i].type != TokenType.Operator)
699 				continue;
700 			OperatorType op = items[i].operator;
701 			if (op == OperatorType.ADD || op == OperatorType.SUB) {
702 				// convert + and - to unary form if necessary
703 				if (i == 0 || !items[i - 1].isExpression()) {
704 					items[i].operator = (op == OperatorType.ADD) ? OperatorType.UNARY_PLUS : OperatorType.UNARY_MINUS;
705 				}
706 			}
707 		}
708 	}
710 	string errorContext(Token token) {
711 		return " near `" ~ query[token.pos .. $] ~ "` in query `" ~ query ~ "`";
712 	}
714     void foldCommaSeparatedList(Token braces) {
715         // fold inside braces
716         Token[] items = braces.children;
717         int start = 0;
718         Token[] list;
719         for (int i=0; i <= items.length; i++) {
720             if (i == items.length || items[i].type == TokenType.Comma) {
721                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i > start, "Empty item in comma separated list" ~ errorContext(items[i]));
722                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i != items.length - 1, "Empty item in comma separated list" ~ errorContext(items[i]));
723                 Token item = new Token(items[start].pos, TokenType.Expression, braces.children, start, i);
724                 foldOperators(item.children);
725                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(item.children.length == 1, "Invalid expression in list item" ~ errorContext(items[i]));
726                 list ~= item.children[0];
727                 start = i + 1;
728             }
729         }
730         enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(list.length > 0, "Empty list" ~ errorContext(items[0]));
731         braces.type = TokenType.CommaDelimitedList;
732         braces.children = list;
733     }
735 	void foldOperators(ref Token[] items) {
736 		foreach (t; items) {
737 			if (t.children.length > 0)
738 				foldOperators(t.children);
739 		}
740 		while (true) {
741 			//
742 			int bestOpPosition = -1;
743 			int bestOpPrecedency = -1;
744 			OperatorType t = OperatorType.NONE;
745 			for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
746 				if (items[i].type != TokenType.Operator)
747 					continue;
748 				int p = operatorPrecedency(items[i].operator);
749 				if (p > bestOpPrecedency) {
750 					bestOpPrecedency = p;
751 					bestOpPosition = i;
752 					t = items[i].operator;
753 				}
754 			}
755 			if (bestOpPrecedency == -1)
756 				return;
757 			//writeln("Found op " ~ items[bestOpPosition].toString() ~ " at position " ~ to!string(bestOpPosition) ~ " with priority " ~ to!string(bestOpPrecedency));
758 			if (t == OperatorType.NOT || t == OperatorType.UNARY_PLUS || t == OperatorType.UNARY_MINUS) {
759 				// fold unary
760 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition < items.length && items[bestOpPosition + 1].isExpression(), "Syntax error in WHERE condition " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
761 				Token folded = new Token(items[bestOpPosition].pos, t, items[bestOpPosition].text, items[bestOpPosition + 1]);
762 				replaceInPlace(items, bestOpPosition, bestOpPosition + 2, [folded]);
763 			} else if (t == OperatorType.IS_NULL || t == OperatorType.IS_NOT_NULL) {
764 				// fold unary
765 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition > 0 && items[bestOpPosition - 1].isExpression(), "Syntax error in WHERE condition " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
766 				Token folded = new Token(items[bestOpPosition - 1].pos, t, items[bestOpPosition].text, items[bestOpPosition - 1]);
767 				replaceInPlace(items, bestOpPosition - 1, bestOpPosition + 1, [folded]);
768 			} else if (t == OperatorType.BETWEEN) {
769 				// fold  X BETWEEN A AND B
770 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition > 0, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no left arg for BETWEEN operator");
771 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition < items.length - 1, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no min bound for BETWEEN operator " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
772 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition < items.length - 3, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no max bound for BETWEEN operator " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
773 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(items[bestOpPosition + 2].operator == OperatorType.AND, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no max bound for BETWEEN operator" ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
774 				Token folded = new Token(items[bestOpPosition - 1].pos, t, items[bestOpPosition].text, items[bestOpPosition - 1]);
775 				folded.children ~= items[bestOpPosition + 1];
776 				folded.children ~= items[bestOpPosition + 3];
777 				replaceInPlace(items, bestOpPosition - 1, bestOpPosition + 4, [folded]);
778             } else if (t == OperatorType.IN) {
779                 // fold  X IN (A, B, ...)
780                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition > 0, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no left arg for IN operator");
781                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition < items.length - 1, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no value list for IN operator " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
782                 enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(items[bestOpPosition + 1].type == TokenType.Braces, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no value list in braces for IN operator" ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
783                 Token folded = new Token(items[bestOpPosition - 1].pos, t, items[bestOpPosition].text, items[bestOpPosition - 1]);
784                 folded.children ~= items[bestOpPosition + 1];
785                 foldCommaSeparatedList(items[bestOpPosition + 1]);
786                 replaceInPlace(items, bestOpPosition - 1, bestOpPosition + 2, [folded]);
787                 // fold value list
788                 //writeln("IN operator found: " ~ folded.dump(3));
789             } else {
790 				// fold binary
791 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition > 0, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no left arg for binary operator " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
792 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(bestOpPosition < items.length - 1, "Syntax error in WHERE condition - no right arg for binary operator " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
793 				//writeln("binary op " ~ items[bestOpPosition - 1].toString() ~ " " ~ items[bestOpPosition].toString() ~ " " ~ items[bestOpPosition + 1].toString());
794 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(items[bestOpPosition - 1].isExpression(), "Syntax error in WHERE condition - wrong type of left arg for binary operator " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
795 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(items[bestOpPosition + 1].isExpression(), "Syntax error in WHERE condition - wrong type of right arg for binary operator " ~ errorContext(items[bestOpPosition]));
796 				Token folded = new Token(items[bestOpPosition - 1].pos, t, items[bestOpPosition].text, items[bestOpPosition - 1], items[bestOpPosition + 1]);
797 				auto oldlen = items.length;
798 				replaceInPlace(items, bestOpPosition - 1, bestOpPosition + 2, [folded]);
799 				assert(items.length == oldlen - 2);
800 			}
801 		}
802 	}
804 	void parseOrderClause(int start, int end) {
805 		enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(start < end, "Invalid ORDER BY clause" ~ errorContext(tokens[start]));
806 		splitCommaDelimitedList(start, end, &parseOrderByClauseItem);
807 	}
809 	/// returns position of keyword in tokens array, -1 if not found
810 	int findKeyword(KeywordType k, int startFrom = 0) {
811 		for (int i = startFrom; i < tokens.length; i++) {
812 			if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.Keyword && tokens[i].keyword == k)
813 				return i;
814 		}
815 		return -1;
816 	}
818     int addSelectSQL(Dialect dialect, ParsedQuery res, string tableName, bool first, const EntityInfo ei) {
819         int colCount = 0;
820         for(int j = 0; j < ei.getPropertyCount(); j++) {
821             PropertyInfo f = cast(PropertyInfo)ei.getProperty(j);
822             string fieldName = f.columnName;
823             if (f.embedded) {
824                 // put embedded cols here
825                 colCount += addSelectSQL(dialect, res, tableName, first && colCount == 0, f.referencedEntity);
826                 continue;
827             } else if (f.oneToOne) {
828             } else {
829             }
830             if (fieldName is null)
831                 continue;
832             if (!first || colCount > 0) {
833                 res.appendSQL(", ");
834             } else
835                 first = false;
837             res.appendSQL(tableName ~ "." ~ dialect.quoteIfNeeded(fieldName));
838             colCount++;
839         }
840         return colCount;
841     }
843 	void addSelectSQL(Dialect dialect, ParsedQuery res) {
844 		res.appendSQL("SELECT ");
845 		bool first = true;
846 		assert(selectClause.length > 0);
847 		int colCount = 0;
848         foreach(i, s; selectClause) {
849             s.from.selectIndex = cast(int)i;
850         }
851 		if (selectClause[0].prop is null) {
852 			// object alias is specified: add all properties of object
853             //writeln("selected entity count: " ~ to!string(selectClause.length));
854             res.setEntity(selectClause[0].from.entity);
855             for(int i = 0; i < fromClause.length; i++) {
856                 FromClauseItem from = fromClause[i];
857                 if (!from.fetch)
858                     continue;
859                 string tableName = from.sqlAlias;
860     			assert(from !is null);
861     			assert(from.entity !is null);
862                 colCount += addSelectSQL(dialect, res, tableName, colCount == 0, from.entity);
863             }
864 		} else {
865 			// individual fields specified
866 			res.setEntity(null);
867 			foreach(a; selectClause) {
868 				string fieldName = a.prop.columnName;
869 				string tableName = a.from.sqlAlias;
870 				if (!first) {
871 					res.appendSQL(", ");
872 				} else
873 					first = false;
874 				res.appendSQL(tableName ~ "." ~ dialect.quoteIfNeeded(fieldName));
875 				colCount++;
876 			}
877 		}
878 		res.setColCount(colCount);
879         res.setSelect(selectClause);
880 	}
882 	void addFromSQL(Dialect dialect, ParsedQuery res) {
883         res.setFromClause(fromClause);
884 		res.appendSpace();
885 		res.appendSQL("FROM ");
886 		res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(fromClause.first.entity.tableName) ~ " AS " ~ fromClause.first.sqlAlias);
887         for (int i = 1; i < fromClause.length; i++) {
888             FromClauseItem join = fromClause[i];
889             FromClauseItem base = join.base;
890             assert(join !is null && base !is null);
891             res.appendSpace();
893             assert(join.baseProperty !is null);
894             if (join.baseProperty.manyToMany) {
895                 string joinTableAlias = base.sqlAlias ~ join.sqlAlias;
896                 res.appendSQL(join.joinType == JoinType.LeftJoin ? "LEFT JOIN " : "INNER JOIN ");
898                 res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.baseProperty.joinTable.tableName) ~ " AS " ~ joinTableAlias);
899                 res.appendSQL(" ON ");
900                 res.appendSQL(base.sqlAlias);
901                 res.appendSQL(".");
902                 res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(base.entity.getKeyProperty().columnName));
903                 res.appendSQL("=");
904                 res.appendSQL(joinTableAlias);
905                 res.appendSQL(".");
906                 res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.baseProperty.joinTable.column1));
908                 res.appendSpace();
910                 res.appendSQL(join.joinType == JoinType.LeftJoin ? "LEFT JOIN " : "INNER JOIN ");
911                 res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.entity.tableName) ~ " AS " ~ join.sqlAlias);
912                 res.appendSQL(" ON ");
913                 res.appendSQL(joinTableAlias);
914                 res.appendSQL(".");
915                 res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.baseProperty.joinTable.column2));
916                 res.appendSQL("=");
917                 res.appendSQL(join.sqlAlias);
918                 res.appendSQL(".");
919                 res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.entity.getKeyProperty().columnName));
920             } else {
921                 res.appendSQL(join.joinType == JoinType.LeftJoin ? "LEFT JOIN " : "INNER JOIN ");
922                 res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.entity.tableName) ~ " AS " ~ join.sqlAlias);
923                 res.appendSQL(" ON ");
924                 //writeln("adding ON");
925                 if (join.baseProperty.oneToOne) {
926                     assert(join.baseProperty.columnName !is null || join.baseProperty.referencedProperty !is null);
927                     if (join.baseProperty.columnName !is null) {
928                         //writeln("fk is in base");
929                         res.appendSQL(base.sqlAlias);
930                         res.appendSQL(".");
931                         res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.baseProperty.columnName));
932                         res.appendSQL("=");
933                         res.appendSQL(join.sqlAlias);
934                         res.appendSQL(".");
935                         res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.entity.getKeyProperty().columnName));
936                     } else {
937                         //writeln("fk is in join");
938                         res.appendSQL(base.sqlAlias);
939                         res.appendSQL(".");
940                         res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(base.entity.getKeyProperty().columnName));
941                         res.appendSQL("=");
942                         res.appendSQL(join.sqlAlias);
943                         res.appendSQL(".");
944                         res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.baseProperty.referencedProperty.columnName));
945                     }
946                 } else if (join.baseProperty.manyToOne) {
947                     assert(join.baseProperty.columnName !is null, "ManyToOne should have JoinColumn as well");
948                     //writeln("fk is in base");
949                     res.appendSQL(base.sqlAlias);
950                     res.appendSQL(".");
951                     res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.baseProperty.columnName));
952                     res.appendSQL("=");
953                     res.appendSQL(join.sqlAlias);
954                     res.appendSQL(".");
955                     res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.entity.getKeyProperty().columnName));
956                 } else if (join.baseProperty.oneToMany) {
957                     res.appendSQL(base.sqlAlias);
958                     res.appendSQL(".");
959                     res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(base.entity.getKeyProperty().columnName));
960                     res.appendSQL("=");
961                     res.appendSQL(join.sqlAlias);
962                     res.appendSQL(".");
963                     res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteIfNeeded(join.baseProperty.referencedProperty.columnName));
964                 } else {
965                     // TODO: support other relations
966                     throw new QuerySyntaxException("Invalid relation type in join");
967                 }
968             }
969         }
970 	}
972 	void addWhereCondition(Token t, int basePrecedency, Dialect dialect, ParsedQuery res) {
973 		if (t.type == TokenType.Expression) {
974 			addWhereCondition(t.children[0], basePrecedency, dialect, res);
975 		} else if (t.type == TokenType.Field) {
976 			string tableName = t.from.sqlAlias;
977 			string fieldName = t.field.columnName;
978 			res.appendSpace();
979 			res.appendSQL(tableName ~ "." ~ dialect.quoteIfNeeded(fieldName));
980 		} else if (t.type == TokenType.Number) {
981 			res.appendSpace();
982 			res.appendSQL(t.text);
983 		} else if (t.type == TokenType.String) {
984 			res.appendSpace();
985 			res.appendSQL(dialect.quoteSqlString(t.text));
986 		} else if (t.type == TokenType.Parameter) {
987 			res.appendSpace();
988 			res.appendSQL("?");
989 			res.addParam(t.text);
990         } else if (t.type == TokenType.CommaDelimitedList) {
991             bool first = true;
992             for (int i=0; i<t.children.length; i++) {
993                 if (!first)
994                     res.appendSQL(", ");
995                 else
996                     first = false;
997                 addWhereCondition(t.children[i], 0, dialect, res);
998             }
999         } else if (t.type == TokenType.OpExpr) {
1000 			int currentPrecedency = operatorPrecedency(t.operator);
1001 			bool needBraces = currentPrecedency < basePrecedency;
1002 			if (needBraces)
1003 				res.appendSQL("(");
1004 			switch(t.operator) {
1005 				case OperatorType.LIKE:
1006 				case OperatorType.EQ:
1007 				case OperatorType.NE:
1008 				case OperatorType.LT:
1009 				case OperatorType.GT:
1010 				case OperatorType.LE:
1011 				case OperatorType.GE:
1012 				case OperatorType.MUL:
1013 				case OperatorType.ADD:
1014 				case OperatorType.SUB:
1015 				case OperatorType.DIV:
1016 				case OperatorType.AND:
1017 				case OperatorType.OR:
1018 				case OperatorType.IDIV:
1019 				case OperatorType.MOD:
1020 					// binary op
1021 					if (!needBraces)
1022 						res.appendSpace();
1023 					addWhereCondition(t.children[0], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1024 					res.appendSpace();
1025 					res.appendSQL(t.text);
1026 					res.appendSpace();
1027 					addWhereCondition(t.children[1], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1028 					break;
1029 				case OperatorType.UNARY_PLUS:
1030 				case OperatorType.UNARY_MINUS:
1031 				case OperatorType.NOT:
1032 					// unary op
1033 					if (!needBraces)
1034 						res.appendSpace();
1035 					res.appendSQL(t.text);
1036 					res.appendSpace();
1037 					addWhereCondition(t.children[0], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1038 					break;
1039 				case OperatorType.IS_NULL:
1040 				case OperatorType.IS_NOT_NULL:
1041 					addWhereCondition(t.children[0], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1042 					res.appendSpace();
1043 					res.appendSQL(t.text);
1044 					res.appendSpace();
1045 					break;
1046 				case OperatorType.BETWEEN:
1047 					if (!needBraces)
1048 						res.appendSpace();
1049 					addWhereCondition(t.children[0], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1050 					res.appendSQL(" BETWEEN ");
1051 					addWhereCondition(t.children[1], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1052 					res.appendSQL(" AND ");
1053 					addWhereCondition(t.children[2], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1054 					break;
1055                 case OperatorType.IN:
1056                     if (!needBraces)
1057                         res.appendSpace();
1058                     addWhereCondition(t.children[0], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1059                     res.appendSQL(" IN (");
1060                     addWhereCondition(t.children[1], currentPrecedency, dialect, res);
1061                     res.appendSQL(")");
1062                     break;
1063 				case OperatorType.IS:
1064 				default:
1065 					enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(false, "Unexpected operator" ~ errorContext(t));
1066 					break;
1067 			}
1068 			if (needBraces)
1069 				res.appendSQL(")");
1070 		}
1071 	}
1073 	void addWhereSQL(Dialect dialect, ParsedQuery res) {
1074 		if (whereClause is null)
1075 			return;
1076 		res.appendSpace();
1077 		res.appendSQL("WHERE ");
1078 		addWhereCondition(whereClause, 0, dialect, res);
1079 	}
1081 	void addOrderBySQL(Dialect dialect, ParsedQuery res) {
1082 		if (orderByClause.length == 0)
1083 			return;
1084 		res.appendSpace();
1085 		res.appendSQL("ORDER BY ");
1086 		bool first = true;
1087 		// individual fields specified
1088 		foreach(a; orderByClause) {
1089 			string fieldName = a.prop.columnName;
1090 			string tableName = a.from.sqlAlias;
1091 			if (!first) {
1092 				res.appendSQL(", ");
1093 			} else 
1094 				first = false;
1095 			res.appendSQL(tableName ~ "." ~ dialect.quoteIfNeeded(fieldName));
1096 			if (!a.asc)
1097 				res.appendSQL(" DESC");
1098 		}
1099 	}
1101 	ParsedQuery makeSQL(Dialect dialect) {
1102 		ParsedQuery res = new ParsedQuery(query);
1103 		addSelectSQL(dialect, res);
1104 		addFromSQL(dialect, res);
1105 		addWhereSQL(dialect, res);
1106 		addOrderBySQL(dialect, res);
1107 		return res;
1108 	}
1110 }
1112 enum KeywordType {
1113 	NONE,
1114 	SELECT,
1115 	FROM,
1116 	WHERE,
1117 	ORDER,
1118 	BY,
1119 	ASC,
1120 	DESC,
1121 	JOIN,
1122 	INNER,
1123 	OUTER,
1124 	LEFT,
1125 	RIGHT,
1126     FETCH,
1127     AS,
1128 	LIKE,
1129 	IN,
1130 	IS,
1131 	NOT,
1132 	NULL,
1133 	AND,
1134 	OR,
1135 	BETWEEN,
1136 	DIV,
1137 	MOD,
1138 }
1140 KeywordType isKeyword(string str) {
1141 	return isKeyword(str.dup);
1142 }
1144 KeywordType isKeyword(char[] str) {
1145 	char[] s = toUpper(str);
1146 	if (s=="SELECT") return KeywordType.SELECT;
1147 	if (s=="FROM") return KeywordType.FROM;
1148 	if (s=="WHERE") return KeywordType.WHERE;
1149 	if (s=="ORDER") return KeywordType.ORDER;
1150 	if (s=="BY") return KeywordType.BY;
1151 	if (s=="ASC") return KeywordType.ASC;
1152 	if (s=="DESC") return KeywordType.DESC;
1153 	if (s=="JOIN") return KeywordType.JOIN;
1154 	if (s=="INNER") return KeywordType.INNER;
1155 	if (s=="OUTER") return KeywordType.OUTER;
1156 	if (s=="LEFT") return KeywordType.LEFT;
1157 	if (s=="RIGHT") return KeywordType.RIGHT;
1158     if (s=="FETCH") return KeywordType.FETCH;
1159     if (s=="LIKE") return KeywordType.LIKE;
1160 	if (s=="IN") return KeywordType.IN;
1161 	if (s=="IS") return KeywordType.IS;
1162 	if (s=="NOT") return KeywordType.NOT;
1163 	if (s=="NULL") return KeywordType.NULL;
1164 	if (s=="AS") return KeywordType.AS;
1165 	if (s=="AND") return KeywordType.AND;
1166 	if (s=="OR") return KeywordType.OR;
1167 	if (s=="BETWEEN") return KeywordType.BETWEEN;
1168 	if (s=="DIV") return KeywordType.DIV;
1169 	if (s=="MOD") return KeywordType.MOD;
1170 	return KeywordType.NONE;
1171 }
1173 unittest {
1174 	assert(isKeyword("Null") == KeywordType.NULL);
1175 	assert(isKeyword("from") == KeywordType.FROM);
1176 	assert(isKeyword("SELECT") == KeywordType.SELECT);
1177 	assert(isKeyword("blabla") == KeywordType.NONE);
1178 }
1180 enum OperatorType {
1181 	NONE,
1183 	// symbolic
1184 	EQ, // ==
1185 	NE, // != <>
1186 	LT, // <
1187 	GT, // >
1188 	LE, // <=
1189 	GE, // >=
1190 	MUL,// *
1191 	ADD,// +
1192 	SUB,// -
1193 	DIV,// /
1195 	// from keywords
1196 	LIKE,
1197 	IN,
1198 	IS,
1199 	NOT,
1200 	AND,
1201 	OR,
1202 	BETWEEN,
1203 	IDIV,
1204 	MOD,
1209 	IS_NULL,
1210 	IS_NOT_NULL,
1211 }
1213 OperatorType isOperator(KeywordType t) {
1214 	switch (t) {
1215 		case KeywordType.LIKE: return OperatorType.LIKE;
1216 		case KeywordType.IN: return OperatorType.IN;
1217 		case KeywordType.IS: return OperatorType.IS;
1218 		case KeywordType.NOT: return OperatorType.NOT;
1219 		case KeywordType.AND: return OperatorType.AND;
1220 		case KeywordType.OR: return OperatorType.OR;
1221 		case KeywordType.BETWEEN: return OperatorType.BETWEEN;
1222 		case KeywordType.DIV: return OperatorType.IDIV;
1223 		case KeywordType.MOD: return OperatorType.MOD;
1224 		default: return OperatorType.NONE;
1225 	}
1226 }
1228 int operatorPrecedency(OperatorType t) {
1229 	switch(t) {
1230 		case OperatorType.EQ: return 5; // ==
1231 		case OperatorType.NE: return 5; // != <>
1232 		case OperatorType.LT: return 5; // <
1233 		case OperatorType.GT: return 5; // >
1234 		case OperatorType.LE: return 5; // <=
1235 		case OperatorType.GE: return 5; // >=
1236 		case OperatorType.MUL: return 10; // *
1237 		case OperatorType.ADD: return 9; // +
1238 		case OperatorType.SUB: return 9; // -
1239 		case OperatorType.DIV: return 10; // /
1240 			// from keywords
1241 		case OperatorType.LIKE: return 11;
1242 		case OperatorType.IN: return 12;
1243 		case OperatorType.IS: return 13;
1244 		case OperatorType.NOT: return 6; // ???
1245 		case OperatorType.AND: return 4;
1246 		case OperatorType.OR:  return 3;
1247 		case OperatorType.BETWEEN: return 7; // ???
1248 		case OperatorType.IDIV: return 10;
1249 		case OperatorType.MOD: return 10;
1250 		case OperatorType.UNARY_PLUS: return 15;
1251 		case OperatorType.UNARY_MINUS: return 15;
1252 		case OperatorType.IS_NULL: return 15;
1253 		case OperatorType.IS_NOT_NULL: return 15;
1254 		default: return -1;
1255 	}
1256 }
1258 OperatorType isOperator(string s, ref int i) {
1259 	int len = cast(int)s.length;
1260 	char ch = s[i];
1261 	char ch2 = i < len - 1 ? s[i + 1] : 0;
1262 	//char ch3 = i < len - 2 ? s[i + 2] : 0;
1263 	if (ch == '=' && ch2 == '=') { i++; return OperatorType.EQ; } // ==
1264 	if (ch == '!' && ch2 == '=') { i++; return OperatorType.NE; } // !=
1265 	if (ch == '<' && ch2 == '>') { i++; return OperatorType.NE; } // <>
1266 	if (ch == '<' && ch2 == '=') { i++; return OperatorType.LE; } // <=
1267 	if (ch == '>' && ch2 == '=') { i++; return OperatorType.GE; } // >=
1268 	if (ch == '=') return OperatorType.EQ; // =
1269 	if (ch == '<') return OperatorType.LT; // <
1270 	if (ch == '>') return OperatorType.GT; // <
1271 	if (ch == '*') return OperatorType.MUL; // <
1272 	if (ch == '+') return OperatorType.ADD; // <
1273 	if (ch == '-') return OperatorType.SUB; // <
1274 	if (ch == '/') return OperatorType.DIV; // <
1275 	return OperatorType.NONE;
1276 }
1279 enum TokenType {
1280 	Keyword,      // WHERE
1281 	Ident,        // ident
1282 	Number,       // 25   13.5e-10
1283 	String,       // 'string'
1284 	Operator,     // == != <= >= < > + - * /
1285 	Dot,          // .
1286 	OpenBracket,  // (
1287 	CloseBracket, // )
1288 	Comma,        // ,
1289 	Entity,       // entity name
1290 	Field,        // field name of some entity
1291 	Alias,        // alias name of some entity
1292 	Parameter,    // ident after :
1293 	// types of compound AST nodes
1294 	Expression,   // any expression
1295 	Braces,       // ( tokens )
1296 	CommaDelimitedList, // tokens, ... , tokens
1297 	OpExpr, // operator expression; current token == operator, children = params
1298 }
1300 class Token {
1301 	int pos;
1302 	TokenType type;
1303 	KeywordType keyword = KeywordType.NONE;
1304 	OperatorType operator = OperatorType.NONE;
1305 	string text;
1306 	string spaceAfter;
1307 	EntityInfo entity;
1308     PropertyInfo field;
1309 	FromClauseItem from;
1310 	Token[] children;
1311 	this(int pos, TokenType type, string text) {
1312 		this.pos = pos;
1313 		this.type = type;
1314 		this.text = text;
1315 	}
1316 	this(int pos, KeywordType keyword, string text) {
1317 		this.pos = pos;
1318 		this.type = TokenType.Keyword;
1319 		this.keyword = keyword;
1320 		this.text = text;
1321 	}
1322 	this(int pos, OperatorType op, string text) {
1323 		this.pos = pos;
1324 		this.type = TokenType.Operator;
1325 		this.operator = op;
1326 		this.text = text;
1327 	}
1328 	this(int pos, TokenType type, Token[] base, int start, int end) {
1329 		this.pos = pos;
1330 		this.type = type;
1331 		this.children = new Token[end - start];
1332 		for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
1333 			children[i - start] = base[i];
1334 	}
1335 	// unary operator expression
1336 	this(int pos, OperatorType type, string text, Token right) {
1337 		this.pos = pos;
1338 		this.type = TokenType.OpExpr;
1339 		this.operator = type;
1340 		this.text = text;
1341 		this.children = new Token[1];
1342 		this.children[0] = right;
1343 	}
1344 	// binary operator expression
1345 	this(int pos, OperatorType type, string text, Token left, Token right) {
1346 		this.pos = pos;
1347 		this.type = TokenType.OpExpr;
1348 		this.text = text;
1349 		this.operator = type;
1350 		this.children = new Token[2];
1351 		this.children[0] = left;
1352 		this.children[1] = right;
1353 	}
1354 	bool isExpression() {
1355 		return type==TokenType.Expression || type==TokenType.Braces || type==TokenType.OpExpr || type==TokenType.Parameter 
1356 			|| type==TokenType.Field || type==TokenType.String || type==TokenType.Number;
1357 	}
1358 	bool isCompound() {
1359 		return this.type >= TokenType.Expression;
1360 	}
1361 	string dump(int level) {
1362 		string res;
1363 		for (int i=0; i<level; i++)
1364 			res ~= "    ";
1365 		res ~= toString() ~ "\n";
1366 		foreach (c; children)
1367 			res ~= c.dump(level + 1);
1368 		return res;
1369 	}
1370 	override string toString() {
1371 		switch (type) {
1372 			case TokenType.Keyword:      // WHERE
1373 			case TokenType.Ident: return "`" ~ text ~ "`";        // ident
1374 			case TokenType.Number: return "" ~ text;       // 25   13.5e-10
1375 			case TokenType.String: return "'" ~ text ~ "'";       // 'string'
1376 			case TokenType.Operator: return "op:" ~ text;     // == != <= >= < > + - * /
1377 			case TokenType.Dot: return ".";          // .
1378 			case TokenType.OpenBracket: return "(";  // (
1379 			case TokenType.CloseBracket: return ")"; // )
1380 			case TokenType.Comma: return ",";        // ,
1381 			case TokenType.Entity: return "entity: " ~ entity.name;       // entity name
1382 			case TokenType.Field: return from.entityAlias ~ "." ~ field.propertyName;        // field name of some entity
1383 			case TokenType.Alias: return "alias: " ~ text;        // alias name of some entity
1384 			case TokenType.Parameter: return ":" ~ text;    // ident after :
1385 				// types of compound AST nodes
1386 			case TokenType.Expression: return "expr";   // any expression
1387 			case TokenType.Braces: return "()";       // ( tokens )
1388 			case TokenType.CommaDelimitedList: return ",,,"; // tokens, ... , tokens
1389 			case TokenType.OpExpr: return "" ~ text;
1390 			default: return "UNKNOWN";
1391 		}
1392 	}
1394 }
1396 Token[] tokenize(string s) {
1397 	Token[] res;
1398 	int startpos = 0;
1399 	int state = 0;
1400 	int len = cast(int)s.length;
1401 	for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
1402 		char ch = s[i];
1403 		char ch2 = i < len - 1 ? s[i + 1] : 0;
1404 		char ch3 = i < len - 2 ? s[i + 2] : 0;
1405 		string text;
1406 		bool quotedIdent = ch == '`';
1407 		startpos = i;
1408 		OperatorType op = isOperator(s, i);
1409 		if (op != OperatorType.NONE) {
1410 			// operator
1411 			res ~= new Token(startpos, op, s[startpos .. i + 1]);
1412 		} else if (ch == ':' && (isAlpha(ch2) || ch2=='_')) {
1413 			// parameter name
1414 			i++;
1415 			// && state == 0
1416 			for(int j=i; j<len; j++) {
1417 				if (isAlphaNum(s[j]) || s[j] == '_') {
1418 					text ~= s[j];
1419 					i = j;
1420 				} else {
1421 					break;
1422 				}
1423 			}
1424 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(text.length > 0, "Invalid parameter name near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1425 			res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.Parameter, text);
1426 		} else if (isAlpha(ch) || ch=='_' || quotedIdent) {
1427 			// identifier or keyword
1428 			if (quotedIdent) {
1429 				i++;
1430 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i < len - 1, "Invalid quoted identifier near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1431 			}
1432 			// && state == 0
1433 			for(int j=i; j<len; j++) {
1434 				if (isAlphaNum(s[j]) || s[j] == '_') {
1435 					text ~= s[j];
1436 					i = j;
1437 				} else {
1438 					break;
1439 				}
1440 			}
1441 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(text.length > 0, "Invalid quoted identifier near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1442 			if (quotedIdent) {
1443 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i < len - 1 && s[i + 1] == '`', "Invalid quoted identifier near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1444 				i++;
1445 			}
1446 			KeywordType keywordId = isKeyword(text);
1447 			if (keywordId != KeywordType.NONE && !quotedIdent) {
1448 				OperatorType keywordOp = isOperator(keywordId);
1449 				if (keywordOp != OperatorType.NONE)
1450 					res ~= new Token(startpos, keywordOp, text); // operator keyword
1451 				else
1452 					res ~= new Token(startpos, keywordId, text);
1453 			} else
1454 				res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.Ident, text);
1455 		} else if (isWhite(ch)) {
1456 			// whitespace
1457 			for(int j=i; j<len; j++) {
1458 				if (isWhite(s[j])) {
1459 					text ~= s[j];
1460 					i = j;
1461 				} else {
1462 					break;
1463 				}
1464 			}
1465 			// don't add whitespace to lexer results as separate token
1466 			// add as spaceAfter
1467 			if (res.length > 0) {
1468 				res[$ - 1].spaceAfter = text;
1469 			}
1470 		} else if (ch == '\'') {
1471 			// string constant
1472 			i++;
1473 			for(int j=i; j<len; j++) {
1474 				if (s[j] != '\'') {
1475 					text ~= s[j];
1476 					i = j;
1477 				} else {
1478 					break;
1479 				}
1480 			}
1481 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i < len - 1 && s[i + 1] == '\'', "Unfinished string near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1482 			i++;
1483 			res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.String, text);
1484 		} else if (isDigit(ch) || (ch == '.' && isDigit(ch2))) {
1485 			// numeric constant
1486 			if (ch == '.') {
1487 				// .25
1488 				text ~= '.';
1489 				i++;
1490 				for(int j = i; j<len; j++) {
1491 					if (isDigit(s[j])) {
1492 						text ~= s[j];
1493 						i = j;
1494 					} else {
1495 						break;
1496 					}
1497 				}
1498 			} else {
1499 				// 123
1500 				for(int j=i; j<len; j++) {
1501 					if (isDigit(s[j])) {
1502 						text ~= s[j];
1503 						i = j;
1504 					} else {
1505 						break;
1506 					}
1507 				}
1508 				// .25
1509 				if (i < len - 1 && s[i + 1] == '.') {
1510 					text ~= '.';
1511 					i++;
1512 					for(int j = i; j<len; j++) {
1513 						if (isDigit(s[j])) {
1514 							text ~= s[j];
1515 							i = j;
1516 						} else {
1517 							break;
1518 						}
1519 					}
1520 				}
1521 			}
1522 			if (i < len - 1 && std.ascii.toLower(s[i + 1]) == 'e') {
1523 				text ~= s[i+1];
1524 				i++;
1525 				if (i < len - 1 && (s[i + 1] == '-' || s[i + 1] == '+')) {
1526 					text ~= s[i+1];
1527 					i++;
1528 				}
1529 				enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i < len - 1 && isDigit(s[i]), "Invalid number near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1530 				for(int j = i; j<len; j++) {
1531 					if (isDigit(s[j])) {
1532 						text ~= s[j];
1533 						i = j;
1534 					} else {
1535 						break;
1536 					}
1537 				}
1538 			}
1539 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(i >= len - 1 || !isAlpha(s[i]), "Invalid number near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1540 			res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.Number, text);
1541 		} else if (ch == '.') {
1542 			res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.Dot, ".");
1543 		} else if (ch == '(') {
1544 			res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.OpenBracket, "(");
1545 		} else if (ch == ')') {
1546 			res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.CloseBracket, ")");
1547 		} else if (ch == ',') {
1548 			res ~= new Token(startpos, TokenType.Comma, ",");
1549 		} else {
1550 			enforceEx!QuerySyntaxException(false, "Invalid character near " ~ cast(string)s[startpos .. $]);
1551 		}
1552 	}
1553 	return res;
1554 }
1556 unittest {
1557 	Token[] tokens;
1558 	tokens = tokenize("SELECT a From User a where a.flags = 12 AND a.name='john' ORDER BY a.idx ASC");
1559 	assert(tokens.length == 23);
1560 	assert(tokens[0].type == TokenType.Keyword);
1561 	assert(tokens[2].type == TokenType.Keyword);
1562 	assert(tokens[5].type == TokenType.Keyword);
1563 	assert(tokens[5].text == "where");
1564 	assert(tokens[10].type == TokenType.Number);
1565 	assert(tokens[10].text == "12");
1566 	assert(tokens[16].type == TokenType.String);
1567 	assert(tokens[16].text == "john");
1568 	assert(tokens[22].type == TokenType.Keyword);
1569 	assert(tokens[22].text == "ASC");
1570 }
1572 class ParameterValues {
1573 	Variant[string] values;
1574 	int[][string]params;
1575 	int[string]unboundParams;
1576 	this(int[][string]params) {
1577 		this.params = params;
1578 		foreach(key, value; params) {
1579 			unboundParams[key] = 1;
1580 		}
1581 	}
1582 	void setParameter(string name, Variant value) {
1583         enforceEx!QueryParameterException((name in params) !is null, "Attempting to set unknown parameter " ~ name);
1584 		unboundParams.remove(name);
1585 		values[name] = value;
1586 	}
1587 	void checkAllParametersSet() {
1588 		if (unboundParams.length == 0)
1589 			return;
1590 		string list;
1591 		foreach(key, value; unboundParams) {
1592 			if (list.length > 0)
1593 				list ~= ", ";
1594 			list ~= key;
1595 		}
1596         enforceEx!QueryParameterException(false, "Parameters " ~ list ~ " not set");
1597 	}
1598 	void applyParams(DataSetWriter ds) {
1599 		foreach(key, indexes; params) {
1600 			Variant value = values[key];
1601 			foreach(i; indexes)
1602 				ds.setVariant(i, value);
1603 		}
1604 	}
1605 }
1607 class ParsedQuery {
1608 	private string _hql;
1609 	private string _sql;
1610 	private int[][string]params; // contains 1-based indexes of ? ? ? placeholders in SQL for param by name
1611 	private int paramIndex = 1;
1612     private FromClause _from;
1613     private SelectClauseItem[] _select;
1614     private EntityInfo _entity;
1615 	private int _colCount = 0;
1616 	this(string hql) {
1617 		_hql = hql;
1618 	}
1619 	@property string hql() { return _hql; }
1620 	@property string sql() { return _sql; }
1621 	@property const(EntityInfo)entity() { return _entity; }
1622 	@property int colCount() { return _colCount; }
1623     @property FromClause from() { return _from; }
1624     @property SelectClauseItem[] select() { return _select; }
1625     void setEntity(const EntityInfo entity) {
1626         _entity = cast(EntityInfo)entity;
1627 	}
1628     void setFromClause(FromClause from) {
1629         _from = from;
1630     }
1631     void setSelect(SelectClauseItem[] items) {
1632         _select = items; 
1633     }
1634     void setColCount(int cnt) { _colCount = cnt; }
1635 	void addParam(string paramName) {
1636 		if ((paramName in params) is null) {
1637 			params[paramName] = [paramIndex++];
1638 		} else {
1639 			params[paramName] ~= [paramIndex++];
1640 		}
1641 	}
1642 	int[] getParam(string paramName) {
1643 		if ((paramName in params) is null) {
1644 			throw new HibernatedException("Parameter " ~ paramName ~ " not found in query " ~ _hql);
1645 		} else {
1646 			return params[paramName];
1647 		}
1648 	}
1649 	void appendSQL(string sql) {
1650 		_sql ~= sql;
1651 	}
1652 	void appendSpace() {
1653 		if (_sql.length > 0 && _sql[$ - 1] != ' ')
1654 			_sql ~= ' ';
1655 	}
1656 	ParameterValues createParams() {
1657 		return new ParameterValues(params);
1658 	}
1659 }
1661 unittest {
1662 	ParsedQuery q = new ParsedQuery("FROM User where id = :param1 or id = :param2");
1663 	q.addParam("param1"); // 1
1664 	q.addParam("param2"); // 2
1665 	q.addParam("param1"); // 3
1666 	q.addParam("param1"); // 4
1667 	q.addParam("param3"); // 5
1668 	q.addParam("param2"); // 6
1669 	assert(q.getParam("param1") == [1,3,4]);
1670 	assert(q.getParam("param2") == [2,6]);
1671 	assert(q.getParam("param3") == [5]);
1672 }
1674 unittest {
1676 	//writeln("query unittest");
1677     import hibernated.tests;
1679     EntityMetaData schema = new SchemaInfoImpl!(User, Customer, AccountType, Address, Person, MoreInfo, EvenMoreInfo, Role);
1680 	QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(schema, "SELECT a FROM User AS a WHERE id = :Id AND name != :skipName OR name IS NULL  AND a.flags IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name, a.flags DESC");
1681 	assert(parser.parameterNames.length == 2);
1682 	//writeln("param1=" ~ parser.parameterNames[0]);
1683 	//writeln("param2=" ~ parser.parameterNames[1]);
1684 	assert(parser.parameterNames[0] == "Id");
1685 	assert(parser.parameterNames[1] == "skipName");
1686 	assert(parser.fromClause.length == 1);
1687 	assert(parser.fromClause.first.entity.name == "User");
1688     assert(parser.fromClause.first.entityAlias == "a");
1689 	assert(parser.selectClause.length == 1);
1690 	assert(parser.selectClause[0].prop is null);
1691 	assert(parser.selectClause[0].from.entity.name == "User");
1692 	assert(parser.orderByClause.length == 2);
1693 	assert(parser.orderByClause[0].prop.propertyName == "name");
1694 	assert(parser.orderByClause[0].from.entity.name == "User");
1695 	assert(parser.orderByClause[0].asc == true);
1696 	assert(parser.orderByClause[1].prop.propertyName == "flags");
1697 	assert(parser.orderByClause[1].from.entity.name == "User");
1698 	assert(parser.orderByClause[1].asc == false);
1700 	parser = new QueryParser(schema, "SELECT a FROM User AS a WHERE ((id = :Id) OR (name LIKE 'a%' AND flags = (-5 + 7))) AND name != :skipName AND flags BETWEEN 2*2 AND 42/5 ORDER BY name, a.flags DESC");
1701 	assert(parser.whereClause !is null);
1702 	//writeln(parser.whereClause.dump(0));
1703 	Dialect dialect = new MySQLDialect();
1705 	assert(dialect.quoteSqlString("abc") == "'abc'");
1706 	assert(dialect.quoteSqlString("a'b'c") == "'a\\'b\\'c'");
1707 	assert(dialect.quoteSqlString("a\nc") == "'a\\nc'");
1709 	parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM User AS u WHERE id = :Id and u.name like '%test%'");
1710 	ParsedQuery q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1711 	//writeln(parser.whereClause.dump(0));
1712 	//writeln(q.hql ~ "\n=>\n" ~ q.sql);
1714 	//writeln(q.hql);
1715 	//writeln(q.sql);
1716     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "SELECT a FROM Person AS a LEFT JOIN a.moreInfo as b LEFT JOIN b.evenMore c WHERE a.id = :Id AND b.flags > 0 AND c.flags > 0");
1717     assert(parser.fromClause.hasAlias("a"));
1718     assert(parser.fromClause.hasAlias("b"));
1719     assert(parser.fromClause.findByAlias("a").entityName == "Person");
1720     assert(parser.fromClause.findByAlias("b").entityName == "MoreInfo");
1721     assert(parser.fromClause.findByAlias("b").joinType == JoinType.LeftJoin);
1722     assert(parser.fromClause.findByAlias("c").entityName == "EvenMoreInfo");
1723     // indirect JOIN
1724     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "SELECT a FROM Person a WHERE a.id = :Id AND a.moreInfo.evenMore.flags > 0");
1725     assert(parser.fromClause.hasAlias("a"));
1726     assert(parser.fromClause.length == 3);
1727     assert(parser.fromClause[0].entity.tableName == "person");
1728     assert(parser.fromClause[1].entity.tableName == "person_info");
1729     assert(parser.fromClause[1].joinType == JoinType.InnerJoin);
1730     assert(parser.fromClause[1].pathString == "a.moreInfo");
1731     assert(parser.fromClause[2].entity.tableName == "person_info2");
1732     assert(parser.fromClause[2].joinType == JoinType.LeftJoin);
1733     assert(parser.fromClause[2].pathString == "a.moreInfo.evenMore");
1734     // indirect JOIN, no alias
1735     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM Person WHERE id = :Id AND moreInfo.evenMore.flags > 0");
1736     assert(parser.fromClause.length == 3);
1737     assert(parser.fromClause[0].entity.tableName == "person");
1738     assert(parser.fromClause[0].fetch == true);
1739     //writeln("select fields [" ~ to!string(parser.fromClause[0].startColumn) ~ ", " ~ to!string(parser.fromClause[0].selectedColumns) ~ "]");
1740     //writeln("select fields [" ~ to!string(parser.fromClause[1].startColumn) ~ ", " ~ to!string(parser.fromClause[1].selectedColumns) ~ "]");
1741     //writeln("select fields [" ~ to!string(parser.fromClause[2].startColumn) ~ ", " ~ to!string(parser.fromClause[2].selectedColumns) ~ "]");
1742     assert(parser.fromClause[0].selectedColumns == 4);
1743     assert(parser.fromClause[1].entity.tableName == "person_info");
1744     assert(parser.fromClause[1].joinType == JoinType.InnerJoin);
1745     assert(parser.fromClause[1].pathString == "_a1.moreInfo");
1746     assert(parser.fromClause[1].fetch == true);
1747     assert(parser.fromClause[1].selectedColumns == 2);
1748     assert(parser.fromClause[2].entity.tableName == "person_info2");
1749     assert(parser.fromClause[2].joinType == JoinType.LeftJoin);
1750     assert(parser.fromClause[2].pathString == "_a1.moreInfo.evenMore");
1751     assert(parser.fromClause[2].fetch == true);
1752     assert(parser.fromClause[2].selectedColumns == 3);
1754     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1755     //writeln(q.hql);
1756     //writeln(q.sql);
1758     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM User WHERE id in (1, 2, (3 - 1 * 25) / 2, 4 + :Id, 5)");
1759     //writeln(parser.whereClause.dump(0));
1760     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1761     //writeln(q.hql);
1762     //writeln(q.sql);
1764     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM Customer WHERE users.id = 1");
1765     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1766 //    writeln(q.hql);
1767 //    writeln(q.sql);
1768     assert(q.sql == "SELECT _t1.id, _t1.name, _t1.zip, _t1.city, _t1.street_address, _t1.account_type_fk FROM customers AS _t1 LEFT JOIN users AS _t2 ON _t1.id=_t2.customer_fk WHERE _t2.id = 1");
1770     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM Customer WHERE id = 1");
1771     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1772 //    writeln(q.hql);
1773 //    writeln(q.sql);
1774     assert(q.sql == "SELECT _t1.id, _t1.name, _t1.zip, _t1.city, _t1.street_address, _t1.account_type_fk FROM customers AS _t1 WHERE _t1.id = 1");
1776     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM User WHERE roles.id = 1");
1777     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1778     //writeln(q.hql);
1779     //writeln(q.sql);
1780     assert(q.sql == "SELECT _t1.id, _t1.name, _t1.flags, _t1.comment, _t1.customer_fk FROM users AS _t1 LEFT JOIN role_users AS _t1_t2 ON _t1.id=_t1_t2.user_fk LEFT JOIN role AS _t2 ON _t1_t2.role_fk=_t2.id WHERE _t2.id = 1");
1782     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM Role WHERE users.id = 1");
1783     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1784 //    writeln(q.hql);
1785 //    writeln(q.sql);
1786     assert(q.sql == "SELECT _t1.id, _t1.name FROM role AS _t1 LEFT JOIN role_users AS _t1_t2 ON _t1.id=_t1_t2.role_fk LEFT JOIN users AS _t2 ON _t1_t2.user_fk=_t2.id WHERE _t2.id = 1");
1788     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "FROM User WHERE customer.id = 1");
1789     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1790 //    writeln(q.hql);
1791 //    writeln(q.sql);
1792     assert(q.sql == "SELECT _t1.id, _t1.name, _t1.flags, _t1.comment, _t1.customer_fk FROM users AS _t1 LEFT JOIN customers AS _t2 ON _t1.customer_fk=_t2.id WHERE _t2.id = 1");
1794     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "SELECT a2 FROM User AS a1 JOIN a1.roles AS a2 WHERE a1.id = 1");
1795     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1796     //writeln(q.hql);
1797     //writeln(q.sql);
1798     assert(q.sql == "SELECT _t2.id, _t2.name FROM users AS _t1 INNER JOIN role_users AS _t1_t2 ON _t1.id=_t1_t2.user_fk INNER JOIN role AS _t2 ON _t1_t2.role_fk=_t2.id WHERE _t1.id = 1");
1800     parser = new QueryParser(schema, "SELECT a2 FROM Customer AS a1 JOIN a1.users AS a2 WHERE a1.id = 1");
1801     q = parser.makeSQL(dialect);
1802     //writeln(q.hql);
1803     //writeln(q.sql);
1804     assert(q.sql == "SELECT _t2.id, _t2.name, _t2.flags, _t2.comment, _t2.customer_fk FROM customers AS _t1 INNER JOIN users AS _t2 ON _t1.id=_t2.customer_fk WHERE _t1.id = 1");
1806 }